Full Time Missionary

(Following Him shouldn’t be either.)

Live a life that change lives

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Forming leaders who will transform the world.

The Full-Time Damascus Missionary Program offers an in-depth, transformative experience of formation, community, discipleship, and mission. The goal is to equip you to discover and answer God's call on your life to the fullest possible extent; to make a generational impact and become the type of leader that the Church and the world desperately need.

Join the Adventure

Be a Damascus Missionary

Applications for the 2025-26 year will open on August 15!

About the Damascus Full-Time Missionary Program

A little bit of background.

In 2015, a few ambitious Catholics in Ohio heard a call: to form a community of full-time missionaries committed year-round to the salvation of souls, one that would bring the New Evangelization to thousands of people.

In 2016, the first four missionaries said yes to that call and spent a year preparing to make the dream a reality. In 2017, the first full year began with 15 missionaries. The following year, their number had grown to 33. 

Every year since, more and more young adults have answered the same call: to be transformed and to transform the world. The impact has far exceeded the dreams of those first missionaries, reaching tens of thousands of souls every year. We know that the need is still great, and we pray that the Lord would continue to send out laborers to lay their lives down for the sake of bringing revival to the Church!

Want the full-story? Find a more detailed history of Damascus here.

Class Photo Gallery

Where We're From

Our current full-time missionaries represent 20 states and the country of Spain, with two-thirds hailing from outside Ohio.

Life as a full-time Damascus Missionary

Every moment of the 2-year full-time mission program will prepare you for a life of holiness and mission that brings revival to the Church. Year 1 is invested as a year of service oriented toward developing a firm foundation in the pillars of Formation, Community, Discipleship, and Mission. Year 2 builds upon that foundation and allows for greater specialization in areas that develop your individual strengths, skills, and passions.

The Pillars

Formation: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” As disciples of Jesus Christ, our missionaries enter into a formation program. Full time missionaries attend formation events, in addition to full-time training, 112 formation sessions, 8 missionary retreats, group studies, and much more.

Community: “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Missionaries will dive deep into a community of young adults on mission. Missionaries live in men’s and women’s households that pray together, live life together, and evangelize together.

Discipleship: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” As disciples of Jesus, we are called to commit to three things: prayer, virtue, and mentorship. In the full-time program, this is done through a commitment to our Missionary Mindsets, a prayer life, a sacramental life, and a pastoral leader.

Mission: “I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” Damascus missionaries will serve thousands of people every summer and year. Through committing to a life laid down for the Gospel, our full-time missionaries can expect to bear fruit through our camps, retreats, events, and conferences.

The Weekly Schedule

The typical schedule of a week in the fall or spring semester of a full-time mission year will help you build a life oriented toward the pursuit of holiness and mission.

Yearly Timeline

Early March

November - March

Apply, discern, & commit! Launch into Mission Support Raising with training.

Late May

Arrive for summer training and formation at the EQUIP Conference

June - Early August

Serve as a member of a CYSC summer staff

Late August

After a post-camp break, return to Damascus for two weeks of further training and formation

September - April

Live the adventure of missionary life! This time includes holiday breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, as well as quarterly missionary retreats.


Mission Support Raising season for First Years/Graduation & Deployment for Second Years

The Missionary Mindsets


Relationship with Jesus is the source and center of everything we do. We aim to live every moment so that our lives look more and more like His each day.

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." (Galatians 2:20)


We are radically consumed for the salvation of souls, answering the call of Jesus for laborers to be sent out (Mt 9:36-38) so that His victory can be accepted and experienced by all people.

"Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give." (Matthew 10:8)


Authentic joy demonstrates a hope that lies beyond this world. We carry a deep and unshakeable joy that, always and everywhere, invites others to discover the real power of Jesus Christ.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)


The mission we are called to requires each individual to co-labor with others. We honor our commitments and humbly submit ourselves to the will of God; to the wisdom of His Church; and to the leadership of those He has placed in authority over us for the sake of bearing the most fruit.

"As a prisoner for the Lord I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received." (Ephesians 4:1)

Toilet Plunger

We are not afraid of the mess! We don’t back down from obstacles, no matter how daunting the task. We are willing to work hard and follow Jesus to the places where He most wants to bring His light, even and especially in the ordinary and unseen moments where character is refined.

"Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves." (Philippians 2:3)


Apply during the application window: August 15 to February 15.


Continue your discernment by attending an on-site or web-based interview retreat within the month of submitting your application. Full-time applicants will then have a second interview by phone.


Offers will be extended within 2 weeks of the interview. Summer staff assignments will be determined by early March.

Begin the Adventure

The mission begins with Mission Support Raising and serving on a summer staff at CYSC.

Mission Support Raising

An important part of the call to be a full-time missionary is Mission Support Raising: inviting others to join the mission prayerfully and financially so you can have your needs provided for and be fully available to mission.

Specific, hands-on training will be provided in order to help you attain your goal, which you will determine according to your circumstances within the range set by Damascus.

A monthly living cost fee will go to cover living expenses including food, housing, training, etc., after which missionaries receive 100% of everything they raise after taxes up to their limit. This stipend will be disbursed in biweekly installments beginning June 15 and concluding May 30 of the following year.

Questions? Email msr@damascus.net!


Age Requirement

Applicants must have graduated high school prior to serving as a full-time missionary. Typical applicants are ages 18-28.

Incoming missionaries must complete the following requirements prior to the start of CYSC. Opportunities for both will be offered during training at the beginning of the summer, and we strongly recommend taking advantage of the on-site opportunities. Once accepted, if you have already completed one or both of these requirements or have questions about the process, please email mission@damascus.net.

1. Background Check

Those who have lived in Ohio for the last five (5) years consecutively must obtain an Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCI) background check.

Those who have resided outside of Ohio in the last five (5) years must obtain BOTH an Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCI) AND a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background check.

2. Protecting God’s Children for Adults (PGC) / Virtus training session.

All missionaries must complete a VIRTUS Protecting God's Children Training and have a record on file that is either documented with the diocese of Columbus or can be transferred to the diocese of Columbus.

3. Selection.com online background check

All missionaries who have created a VIRTUS account on or after January 1, 2024 must complete an online background check through selection.com. This should be available to complete and should be completed in its entirety immediately when you create your new VIRTUS account online.

What Are You Waiting For?

Download 5 Keys for Discernment
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Discerning a call to full-time mission can feel daunting. What does it mean for my family? My relationships? My finances? It’s normal to ask these questions and weigh the different factors that are affected by the decision.

In any discernment, the most important question to ask is: God, what are you calling me to? Pray for the faith to let His will be done, ask Him to reveal the desires and dreams that He has placed in your heart, and trust that He will provide everything you need to fulfill the call He gives you.

Take the next step

start your application

Applications for 2025-26 will be open August 15 - February 15!

Questions? Get in touch with us at mission@damascus.net